Distance education of specialists for healthcare and medicine: sociological analysis of teachers’ opinions in medical universities




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The paper presents a sociological analysis of the possibilities of using distance technologies in teaching students with medical specialization. A content analysis of federal state educational standards, programs, and curricula for the training of specialists in medical universities of the Russian Federation was carried out to determine whether it is possible to transfer some aspects of the educational process to a distance form of learning. Through semi-structured interviews, a survey was carried out among teachers who indicated their opinion on distance education for future medical workers. In conclusion, distance technologies for training of health and medical personnel can be used in limited cases that do not require the development of practical skills.




Elena Aksenova

Research Institute of Health Care Organization and Medical Managementof the Moscow Health Care Department

Email: eiak@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1600-1641

Doctor of science (economy), professor, the dean of the Research Institute of Health Care Organization and Medical Management of the Moscow Health Care Department

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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