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BACKGROUND. This study examines the main aspects of the competence-based approach of dentists in the treatment of patients with increased tooth erasure (TSL). TSL is a serious problem that can lead to various diseases of the oral cavity, as well as tooth loss. The competence-based approach of dentists in the treatment of patients with TSL plays a key role in the prevention and treatment of this disease. A study examining the knowledge of dentists in providing care to patients with TSL will reveal the level of training of specialists in this field. This will allow us to assess the need for additional training and advanced training of dentists for the effective treatment of patients with TSL. The results of the study can be used to improve the work of dental institutions and educational programs for dentists. This will improve the quality of dental care, improve the prognosis of the disease in patients with TSL and reduce the risk of complications.

AIM. To evaluate the knowledge of dental care for patients with increased tooth abrasion among dentists of different specialties.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The research is based on the results of a sociological survey using the questionnaire method of 175 dentists of different specialties. The survey of doctors was conducted according to the questionnaire developed by the authors "Assessment of professional competence in the tactics of managing patients with TSL by dentists of different profiles." The questionnaire included general information about the respondent (age, specialty), questions related to TSL (concept, complaints, symptoms, prevention of TSL, treatment), assessment of the questionnaire procedure.

RESULTS. The study demonstrated a relatively low competence approach of dentists of various specialties in the prevention and treatment of patients with TSL.


  1. Dentists have demonstrated a low competence approach to the prevention and treatment of TSL.
  2. The lack of interaction between dentists in the treatment of TSL was determined.
  3. The results of the conducted sociological study, along with the high prevalence of TSL, determined the need to develop clinical recommendations for the prevention and treatment of TSL.

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About the authors

Michail Kazantsev

1.Городское бюджетное учреждение здравоохранения Пермского края "Городская стоматологическая поликлиника №3".
2.Пермский государственный медицинский университет им.ак. Е.А. Вагнера

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6204-1906

1. врач-стоматолог ортопед ГБУЗ ПК "ГСП№3"; 2. заместитель декана стоматологического факультета ПГМУ им.ак. Е.А. Вагнера

Russian Federation, 1.614081, Россия, Пермь, ул. Плеханова 61; 2.614000, Россия, Пермь, ул. Петропавловская 26

Natalia Viktorovna Isaeva

Пермский государственный медицинский университет им.ак. Е.А. Вагнера

ORCID iD: 0009-0007-0626-7979
SPIN-code: 3423-6491

д-р мед. наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой

Russian Federation, 614000, Россия, Пермь, ул. Петропавловская 26

Natalia Viktorovna Isaeva

Пермский государственный медицинский университет им.ак. Е.А. Вагнера

ORCID iD: 0009-0007-0626-7979
SPIN-code: 3423-6491

д-р мед. наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой

Russian Federation, 614000, Россия, Пермь, ул. Петропавловская 26


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